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Un don est un excellent moyen de soutenir notre mission et nos services aux personnes dans le besoin. Pour faire un don et soutenir le centre de santé chrétien du comté de Champaign,veuillez cliquer sur le bouton rouge qui dit "Donate Now" ci-dessous.

Installment Donation
There are many ways your contribution can help bring much needed health care to those with nowhere else to turn for care.


Pays for one primary care visit (includes nursing care, social work services, and
primary care, and some medications)


Pays for laboratory tests that detect health problems and allows providers to treat
illnesses before they get worse.


Pays for one dental care visit (includes receiving care from a dentist, cleanings,
extraction, and screenings)


Pays for one chronically ill patient who requires multiple visits each year to
ensure their condition does not get worse due to the lack of care, medications, or


Pays for patients who cannot afford to pay for their prescriptions. We do not want our patients to pay for anything. 


Pays for one month of coordination of volunteers, office work, and a host of
tasks needed to ensure a high quality of care for all of CCCHC patients.


Pays for building maintenance, and office equipment.


Pays for much needed dental supplies to create fillings, root canals, that could allow patients to save their teeth instead of only extracting them.


Pays for much needed dental equipment, materials, and lab services needed to create partials and dentures for those who will need it after teeth are extracted.


Pays for medical supplies and equipment, pharmacy, nutritional and health education materials.
Other ways your donations are used include the basic operating costs of running a clinic (utilities, medical supplies, staffing) and specific patient costs such as lab tests, health education materials, and community outreach efforts.

Any amount is much appreciated.

Thanks for you support!

Merci à nos supporters !

Levée de fonds

Le CCCHC organise actuellement une collecte de fonds ! Tous les dons seront utilisés pour aider la clinique à trouver son nouveau domicile et à étendre ses services. Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour en savoir plus sur la collecte de fonds et pourquoi nous collectons des fonds pour la clinique !

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